Extra Things To Carry For Almost Any Occasion

Posted by Burtman on
Mar 15, 00:12.
March 15 2023, 12:12 am.

Mar 16, 03:07.
March 16 2024, 03:07 am.

Read Time: About 1 Minute

Following on from my post, Tools You Should Always Carry, here is a list of less obvious things you should carry in your van, if you want to be prepared for almost anything.

Snow Chains

For serious grip assistance in mud and snow. Can be a legal requirement on some roads during winter months.

Snow chains must be attached to the drive wheels. Make sure you know which ones they are!
Yes, I see the lack of snow in this image. It was taken after the snow melted. But thanks for pointing it out. ;)

Snow chains come in an easily stored bag. Keep them clean for longest life.

Hand Warmers

A chemical compound that produces heat for a long time when activated.

Some hand warmer packs need to be manipulated in order to mix the chemicals. This particular type only need to be open to the air.

Warm Blankets

Don't overlook this one. If you get stuck somewhere for an extended period, blankets for everyone in the vehicle can literally be a life-saver.

Other designs are available, but you will probably want something Hoff-based.

Glass Breaker & Seatbelt Cutter

This little gadget could save your life if, for any reason, you are unable to exit the vehicle in an emergency. The hammer-shaped part is designed for easily breaking windows and the hook at the bottom contains a razor blade that can be used to easily cut a seatbelt. If you ever need it, you will be glad you spent the pennies it costs. You can pick one up in most car accessories departments.

Hammer at the top, blade at the bottom. Stash it in your glove box or door tray to keep it close by.

Dumb Phone

Why a dumb phone? Three reasons:

1. Battery life.
An old nokia, for example, can easily hold a charge for a week and replacement batteries can be bought for as little as €1-2 each. They charge quickly, too, even from the lighter socket.

2. Real buttons.
Smart phones rely on capacitive touch screens which can malfunction in cold and wet conditions, and don't respond well, if at all, when you are wearing gloves. The buttons on dump phones don't have any of these problems.

3. No glass.
As well as being light and cheap, these old dumb phones are robust. They can be dropped and sat on endlessly without the need to replace any glass. That's what you need in an emergency.

Forget smashed screens. Even with half the keys broken off, this thing works like new.

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