Some Place Else
I bought a used navigator from a dude on the internet, 'cos I got sick of wasting diesel, trying to find things. The paper map I have been relying on is fine. That's not the problem. The problem is that, when you wake up some place and you forget the name of the last place you went through, you have no point of directional reference. This almost always means you have to go to the next village before you know which way you're facing, and then you realize that's the wrong way and have to go back.
It happens every. day.
So I got myself a navigator (I'm intentionally avoiding the term 'satnav'. If you don't know, you'd better get to know).
All good, so far. It takes about a week to turn on, but it seems to work. I have been lost a little less, since I bought it. But you know what really stinks? The ratio between days since I bought it and the number of non-existent / closed roads it's tried to send me on. We're looking at 1:2, right now, and I'm starting to think that first problem is less annoying.
However, thanks to this new toy of mine, I've climbed a mountain I didn't need to climb, and now I've got to admit, it is pretty damn nice, up here, if you ignore the tractor that passes by about once every 15 minutes, spilling hay all over the snacks.
The wind is outrageous, above the peaks. Here's my breakdancing tea towel, to prove it.
As good a time as any to do a bit of freelensing.