One Last Castle


Over the last few weeks, I've found myself slowing down considerably. During the summer, I had been checking into and out of around 10 locations a day, but lately, I've been sticking around in each place for several days, not just to see them, but to preserve energy. It's been quite an exhausting run.
Well, the last place I have to show you is Český Šternberk. Actually, that's over-selling it somewhat. All I really have for you is this shot through Burt's windshield, of the famous castle. The area was pretty and very rural. We walked up to the castle and had a look around, but I've never been that excited by buildings, so we didn't spend much time there. The woodland was of more interest to both of us.
Usually, I treat you to my artistic interpretation of the place, and leave it at that, but in this instance, I can see I might have overdone it a touch, so I'll show you the normal-people image, too, so you've got some idea what you're looking at. :)
That's a one-off treat, because you've been so busy in the comments section. You're welcome.