A Catchy Tune
A few weeks ago, I was enjoying the cosy wooden surroundings of Kaffka, a little cafe in Nové Strašecí, and I noticed a catchy tune on the radio. Since the staff couldn't tell me the name, I did what any modern chap would do to find out what it was. I recorded it on a professional sound recorder, played it back later, typed the lyrics into the computer and listened to various songs that contained those lyrics until I found one that sounded right. I mean, come on. I'm not living in the dark ages.
I just liked the sound of it and now I've seen the video, I'm pretty sure it will appeal to those who miss [the appearance of] real animation - that is, the painstaking process of making minute changes to composite imagery and photographing every frame. This, of course, if a digital job, but it's probably the closest we'll see in modern music, so let's overlook it, this time.
I hope you find this catchy tune impossible to stop humming, for at least three days. You deserve it.