The Free Thought Project
In this time of deception, gaslighting and all out tyranny, it's getting harder and harder to find information that hasn't been compromised by the so-called 'fact checkers'. The truth about such subjects as medicine, politics and finance is all but impossible to locate. Big tech has its hand and its sponsored interests in pretty much everything, and unless you know something from personal experience, you're probably being led down the garden path.
With that said, there are a few places where the truth can be found, and one of them seems to be The Free Thought Project.
I've been reading their articles, lately, and it's been refreshing to hear from people are aren't whitewashing the facts, begging us not to question the status quo, or calling us criminals for pointing out the crimes of the establishment. If you're on a quest for truth in this world of theater and mind games, you might find some of it over here:
A word of warning, though: The real world can be cold and hard, and some of the articles on this website might not be suitable for minors and sensitive souls.