Missed My Own Burtday

With so much drama in the LBC, it's kinda hard keeping up with your own Burtday. Well, to clarify, the last few weeks have been quite busy in the build department and not so much in the tech area. But still, you'd think I'd make time to celebrate the birthday of Burtman.net (although, rolling over my phone didn't help tremendously with the reminders and such, but that just goes to show why we should stop depending on the damn things).
I digress.
That's right, folks, Burtman.net is a year old last week, and to celebrate, I'm giving away some free upgrades for members with active accounts (and new members, too).
Every account created this week, and every existing account accessed at least twice this week, will be bumped up to the next subscription level for a month. And to get people moving a bit, I've also got a few secret bonuses for people who comment and pass on my articles. That's mainly because I put a lot of work into the jobs and the write-ups and I'd love to see more people getting inspired and involved.
And now the sun's coming out, there's an even bigger project on the horizon, and I'll be sharing the full thing - every dirty step - with bronze members and above (this is where your free upgrade could come in handy).
See you soon!