Airbnb, My Love

Posted by Burtman on
Apr 20, 13:11.
April 20 2024, 01:11 pm.

Apr 20, 13:11.
April 20 2024, 01:11 pm.

Read Time: About 1 Minute

Last year, in a temporary respite from the vigor of road-life, Burtwoman and I decided to treat ourselves to a week or two in an Airbnb apartment. This would give us a bit of space, a place to call home and an opportunity for me to do some work on the van without trying to live in it at the same time.

We scrolled and we scrolled, and eventually, we find a nice looking room. The owner was responsive and welcoming and the price wasn't too bad, if you completely ignore the cleaning charge, which was preposterous, as always (and is the reason I won't touch Airbnb anymore).

We moved our stuff in (mainly to give me that space I needed to work) and set about chilling out (this can be done without gluing yourself to Netflix, by the way). All was going well, although the host did mention that, occasionally, the place can get a little bit humid, especially if cooking and using the heater at the same time. It was winter, so that was likely, but I'm sure it was going to be fine. We'd just open a window a little bit and keep condensation at bay.

I stashed my laptop bag at the top of the bed, where I could reach it easily, because I had a morning shift the next day, and ain't nobody gettin' me outta bed at 6am. We slept like logs, with Byron providing a pillow and heater for my face.

The next morning, I dragged my eyelids open with force and reached for my laptop, as my annoying alarm cut through my peaceful sleep. I fumbled and I groped, and eventually, I located what I presumed to be my backpack. But it felt weird. Half awake, I tried to figure out what it was, but failed. I pulled the laptop from the strange mess and proceeded to connect to the internet and take over the shift.

A little later, when my eyes could be trusted to stay open by themselves, I needed to find my charger. It was in the bag, of course, so I grabbed it and pulled it into view.

And this, friends, was the view.

A wet and stinky mess, aka 'a little bit humid'. My laptop backpack before disposal.

It was a nice bag, and it could have been cleaned, but would you want it on your back after seeing it like this?

Airbnb. Where all your worst apartments become one.

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