Basic House Rules
This website is intended to be a family-friendly resource. As such, there are a few important rules about how it should be run, and we'd appreciate you taking a moment to familiarize yourself with them.
We're not into censorship, so we hope you will help us to keep the place clean without the need to interfere, but content that violates the following may be modified or removed by a moderator in order to keep our content suitable for everyone.
"Family Friendly" Means...
If you really want to express a strong opinion, imagine there were children present.
The site is about van life and the majority of its content should be related to van life in some way.
The Zero Spam Rule
This internet of ours is saturated in useless, time-wasting spam and worse. Well, I won't stand for it. Not here.
Posting spam or attempting to deceive people in any way will result in an immediate and permanent ban from the site, and the total loss of subscriber content, without additional warning (this is your first one) and without compensation.
For clarity, and aside from the really obvious, any of the following will be considered spam. Although this isn't an exhaustive list, by any means, you're intelligent enough to figure out if what you want to post will be considered spam.
Look. Just don't be a jerk.
That's it.
We hope you enjoy the site and make good use of the information and discussions you have here.