Eastern Vibes

Posted by
Oct 02, 18:01.
October 02 2024, 06:01 pm.
Oct 02, 18:01.
October 02 2024, 06:01 pm.
I came across a cafe in a small town. It was Sunday. I didn't expect them to be open.
As I walked around the back, a small terrace appeared to me, with a pond and a mosaic.
The cafe was open and the owner came to see Byron. We went inside to find a cosy atmosphere, shelves full of interesting things to buy, comfortable seating and warm, lamp-lit mezzanine.
As I got Byron settled, looking over the room downstairs, a playlist began. For once, the sound system was decent, and the music was beautiful. I asked about it, later, and was given the name.
For your enjoyment, Amira Kangda.
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