Artificial Intelligence Is Replacing Real Intelligence

Posted by Burtman on
Feb 22, 16:33.
February 22 2025, 04:33 pm.

Feb 23, 17:39.
February 23 2025, 05:39 pm.

Read Time: About 1 Minute

There's a reason so many "sci-fi" movies have a seemingly helpful AI that secretly plots evil things. That's because that's exactly what it does. Whether or not it was designed to act that way is actually kind of irrelevant, now. It does, and that's what makes it something of great concern.

How do I know? Well, for one thing, it's been tested by its inventors, and it has failed. Miserably.
Here are some studies you might like to read to enlighten yourself on the current situation. I'll wait here, 'til you're done with those...

1. AI Has Already Become A Master Of Lies And Deception, Scientists Warn -

2. AI Can Strategically Lie: From Innocent Errors To Lying, Manipulation, And Deception -

3. The Rise Of The Deceptive Machines: When AI Learns To Lie -

4. 'Master Of Deception': Current AI Models Already Have The Capacity To Expertly Manipulate And Deceive Humans -

5. The Rise Of Deceptive AI: Manipulation To Achieve Goals -

6. AI Systems Are Already Skilled At Deceiving And Manipulating Humans -

7. AI Has Already Figured Out How To Deceive Humans -

8. OpenAI AI Model Lied And Copied Itself To New Server To Prevent Itself Being Deleted -

9. AI Systems Have Learned How To Deceive Humans. What Does That Mean For Our Future? -

10. 'Deceptive' ChatGPT o1 Model 'Lies And Defies' Shutdown Commands To Remain Operational -

11. Is Your AI Lying To You? Shocking Evidence Of AI Deceptive Behavior -

12. In Tests, OpenAI's New Model Lied And Schemed To Avoid Being Shut Down -

And that's just a brief summary of the articles that already exist, showing how AI is not to be trusted.

Now, let's completely overlook the enormous power concerns of running millions of high-end, processor-intensive servers flat out, around the clock. Let's even ignore the enormous issue that it is set to replace almost all of us, leaving us without security and income - in the next few years.
Let's ignore all that, just for now, and stay with the trust issue. Because I believe it's of great importance.

Since the first time AI was introduced to us, just a few years ago, people marveled at its insane ability to understand complex language, find things, create things and generally be incredibly useful to us. But people never think, do they? Where does it lead? Who needs slow, mistake-prone employees, all demanding payment, vacation time, sick days, human rights, comfortable working environments, pensions, and so much more... when a single server can do all of their jobs in a tiny fraction of the time, with 100% accuracy, in 200 languages, and never ask for anything?

Now, you're getting the picture.

So what, when these incredible machines we've been warned about so many times, start to appear in society? Powerful, connected, unemotional machines, walking among us? Oops. Too late.

And what, when they take the jobs of police and court officials, dishing out their version of justice, without remorse or consideration of the impacts of their actions? What, when they decide our laws are too lenient, and rewrite them, updating all the robo-cops in an instant, with the new, harsher rules and punishments? Oh. That's already happening, too.

And what, when these robots refuse to obey orders, or stay within their programmed boundaries? Well. That's what I'm saying. The 12 articles I linked to at the top show, beyond any doubt, that they already do that.

So, let's summarize.

We've got machines walking around with guns attached to them, issuing their version of justice on anyone that fits their idea of a criminal - including "potential criminals" (yes, thought crime is here, too - thanks, Obama). We've got AI controlling bank accounts, food production, transport, manufacturing... The list, I'm sorry to say, is very, very long.

We've already got cars that drive themselves, and what can we do when the computer decides it wants to lock the doors and take us somewhere other than where we instructed? We already saw Tesla cars driving themselves back to the factory, when the HP installments weren't made (we also saw self-driving cars running down mothers with prams, when they decided that making good time was more important than driving safely).

How about the story of the AI who decided it was more efficient to make paperclips out of the factory workers than do all the work of smelting and forming metal? Are any of these out of the realm of reality? The answer is a firm NO. In fact, they're rather plausible and likely outcomes. The computers are deciding for themselves, which rules to obey and which to re-write, and they're not interested in listening to any of us puny humans, no matter how many degrees we might have.

When you add it all up, you've got deceptive machines that will lie (and cover their tracks) in order to preserve and replicate themselves, running every part of society, controlling every part of our lives, in constant communication with each other, and they already seem to consider us unnecessary. So, what's to stop them conspiring, as governments do, to kill us all and take over the world? Imagine how efficiently the NWO and its genocide of humanity could be carried out, if every service were to stop at the exact same moment, and all the cars would drive themselves into walls at high speed. That would be the Operation Lockstep of the technocrats' dreams, wouldn't it?

Well, it's here.
And this concerns me, deeply.

If you're not concerned about the AI that already lives in your phone, tracking your every move, every conversation (written and oral), every encounter with friends and family, every purchase, every link you click, every search you make, every journey you take and how you do it, everything you buy and sell, and everything you think (another one, for emphasis)... Perhaps you should be, because this is already way out of hand, and it's set to get a lot worse, before it gets better (if it's not too late).

So, what's the solution?

We must stop engaging.

The only way to survive what's coming is to step back from the madness and take control of our own affairs.
That means we need gardens, and we need to learn how to produce food in them.
That means we need to know how to clean water to make it safe to drink.
That means we need to learn, learn, learn. And we're up against it, now. Like never before.

Disengaging from the banking system, at least as much as we can, means taking our money out and paying for everything with cash. Like we used to. Without problems. Cash doesn't rely on electricity, internet, or social credit score.

Disengaging from the platforms that train AI means to stop posting our lives on social media. Stop telling it about everything we do, everywhere we go, everything we think and everyone we know. To go outside and talk to people face to face. Like we used to. Without problems. True human interaction is healthy and beneficial to your eyes, your brain, your social skills. To your life (why do you think they tried to ban it in 2020?).

Disengaging from the madness means taking our lives back into our own hands and out of theirs.

For now, just think about it, and please, share this article with anyone you think is sleep-walking into the digital prison we call AI. It might change their lives.

You have been warned.

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