Cognitive Dissonance - Ignoring Important Information In Favor Of Comfort

This phenomenon is far from new. It's probably been around for as long as we have. But never, before 2020, was it so unbelievably present. The act of ignoring something important in order not to have to face it is a short-term psychological trick that we play on ourselves, to maintain a level of comfort that cushions us from reality. Now, if we're pretending we didn't upset our friend, so we have time to consider how to deal with it, that's probably fine. But what about when we pretend that there's not a genocide going on, or that we're not the target? How long can that pretense hold up?
Well, that's exactly what I'm talking about. And it's been happening in every country, for at least four years.
If you're thinking "there's nothing going on here", you're an ascended master of self-deception. If, on the other hand, you're thinking "I know, but there's nothing I can do about it"... well, that's pretty similar, actually.
Something crazy happened in 2020. Actually, it wasn't the first time, and it certainly won't be the last, but 2020 was a particularly overt example. What we saw, as so many are now aware, was the establishment actively turning on the people who created it (not unlike AI is doing), and we all sat back and pretended it was fine. Why? Because the little people inside the idiot box told us it was fine.
Although there are a lot of things going on, right now, and I certainly can't attempt to go into details about all of them, the one thing they all have in common is that people are deliberately refusing to see them, preferring to tell themselves one of the following:
* It's not happening here.
* It's normal.
* I can't do anything about it.
* It's not as bad as people say.
Cognitive dissonance has reared its head in the most incredible way, since Event 201 and the pretend pandemic that followed, seeing people taking experimental drugs with no safety guidelines, no history and no reason - just to go into a nightclub or see a band. Things we used to do without medical intervention. How did it get to full-on totalitarianism, so quickly? And why did people accept it?
The answer genuinely eludes me. There's no sane reason that anyone would permit such trespasses against their bodies and lives, but hey, there's no good reason why people would smoke, but they still do it.
So, folks, while you sit back and ignore the fact that your local government has signed a suicide pact called "Carbon Zero", which is based on 100% false scientific nonsense... Or the fact that your liberties are being stolen under false pretenses, like never before... Or the fact that your friends and family (and maybe you) are walking around with graphene oxide in their bodies, transmitting MAC addresses to the 5G towers... Or the fact that there is almost no food or water left on the planet that hasn't been deliberately contaminated with heavy metals, GMOs, toxic waste and fluoride... Or the fact that your SMART devices are a combination of spyware and covert cellular poisoning... Or the fact that every time someone speaks out about systemic crime, they are targeted, and even incarcerated, as though they were the criminals... Or the fact that, since the first day you started working, you've had 30% of your income stolen from you through a scheme called tax, that's not only immoral, but unlawful in almost every territory... Or the fact that every year, the central banks create war that kills millions of people, so they can sell weapons and reduce the amount of what they call "useless eaters"... Or the fact that every "study" that results in more tax and less freedom comes from the same handful of universities, funded by the same handful of noted psychopaths... Or the fact that some 100 million dollars a week are funneled into "Space Agencies", despite the fact that they have been caught admitting they've never been to space and staging important events like landing on other planets...
...I hope you will, at the very least, take a moment to ponder some of these things and ask yourself one question:
Am I a mindless zombie, programmed to obey a corrupt system, even when its demands are patently absurd and anti-human?
If you can be honest with yourself, you might stand a chance of making it past 2030.
Event 201. The scam that took us by storm