"The Final Card"

This post is not yet complete. I'll be adding lots of links to back up my position, very soon.
I finished work at 3am, took Byron for a quick stroll around the garden, and was finally tucked up in bed, when I looked out of the window and noticed what appeared to be a star, moving at quite some speed. Now, this, I see almost every time I look up, at night. It's been that way for years. But tonight was different, because it wasn't just one or two. There was a convoy of approximately 35 "stars", all moving at the same speed, in the same direction, and with the same distance between them. It was like a train in the sky.
These weren't planes, of course. Planes have flashing lights on them and fly much lower. They don't look like stars and in my ... ahem 21 years on Earth ... I've never seen them fly like this. No, these were just dots of bright, constant light, moving as though on a rial. This was something else, entirely.
I reached for my old Nikon and set about capturing what I could in the night sky. It's an old camera (max iso is 2000), but despite that, and the fact that I took them all handheld, because I don't have a tripod (I've never needed one), camera shake has done nothing to make these 6-10 second exposures any less clear. In the background, plenty of actual stars, for reference.
Using GIMP, I've put several sequential shots together, so you can see the movement. Remember, folks, it's coming up to 5am, by the time I'm doing this, and I'd really rather be asleep. It's not my best work.
After the convoy, which lasted a good 20 minutes (that I saw), maybe around 30 more of the same star-like points of light, but now moving in different directions, and at even higher speeds. All of these were absolutely silent.
Any idea what these are? I never saw this many in my life.
If, like me, you've been paying attention, over the past 15 years or so, you'll be well aware of Project Blue Beam, and what's commonly referred to as "The Final Card" - the last trick the deep state has up its sleeve, to try to use manufactured fear to push us into their digital slavery system (15 minute prison neighborhoods, no personal transport, social credit score, facial recognition, digital money, mark of the beast).
Project Blue Beam is a holographic projection system that can produce incredibly life-like imagery.
Here's are some examples of where (commercial) hologram tech is at. This says nothing of military technology.
Pretty impressive, but requiring a screen and a preset angle of view.
How about this, then?
Projected directly into the air, outside, and viewable from any angle. That's more like it.
Imagine, then, if this is what we're allowed to know about, what the military industrial complex (who, in some countries, enjoy a whopping 70%+ of GDP as a budget) really have available to them.
One more example of outdoor, photo-realistic, interactive light projection.
It's already established in historic documents, that armies have attempted to use V2K (voice to skull) technology to convince people they are hearing the voice of God, manipulating them into doing what they are told, while otherwise engaged in disobedience. Furthermore, armies have also used holograms to create panic, in order to jam communications before an assault (all military strategists know that targeting enemy comms is essential in the first stage of invasion).
Now, when projected from a moving vehicle (such as the drones that are built on Boeing's 747 model, sporting the directed energy weaponry that fried Lahaina and Los Angeles in recent times, and is set to do the same in every other C40 city... well, you could imagine how the final card could be played. Project a fleet of "UFOs" from the drone, fire the weapon at ground targets, claim "UFO invasion", round everyone up - if you've seen predictive programming like Independence Day, Mars Attacks, The Tomorrow War, War Of The Worlds, etc., you know how that ends.
FYI: This is what the military has available - a directed energy weapon capable of downing a plane from 60 miles away in half a second.
Lockheed Martin's Advanced Directed Energy Weapons Systems
The Drone Class That Burned Lahaina 7 Los Angeles
Helios Directed Energy Weapon
If you've been bored and fancied some laughs, you might have tuned into what the parasite class has been pushing on the legacy media - UFOs, of course. I've had a quick look, myself, from time to time, just to keep in the loop about "the current thing", and I've even seen people with pseudo-important positions (and lots of self-awarded medals) talking about aliens who eat humans and how we've got to "come together" (think One World Government) to stay alive. That's called fear-based programming. And the people pushing it are the lowest of the scum class of trash. The good news is that none of it's real. And if you stop listening to them, fully expect these hoaxes to appear in the sky, and refuse to be afraid of the lies, none of it can have any effect on you.
Anyway, that was my morning. Some days are more fun than others.