Tow Rope

AKA: Recovery Rope, Towing Strap


There are many safety issues with towing another vehicle. Do not attempt to tow without first reading up on the safety guidelines related to your specific vehicle types and tow strap limitations. Different vehicles may or may not be capable of safely towing others. Do not assume the presence of a tow bar to indicate the capability of safe towing. There are many other factors to consider before towing, such as weather and visibility, and it is highly recommended to consult a professional towing company if you are at all unsure of what to do.


A towing strap for pulling one vehicle with another.

To operate, attach one hook to the back of the towing vehicle (at a safe towing point such as a chassis ring or properly fitted tow bar), and the other hook to the towing ring on the following car. It is necessary to have a second driver in the following car, in order to operate steering and brakes during the recovery journey. Always display the ON TOW label in the back window of the following car, in order to alert other road users that the vehicle may move in unexpected ways while on tow.

Towing another car out of a ditch, sand, mud or similar, just to the road, is something most people can easily achieve. Towing a vehicle from one town to another via busy main roads is quite a different thing, and should not be attempted by inexperienced or nervous drivers.

A tow strap with towing hooks and an "ON TOW" sign.

A towing hook attached to the towing point of a vehicle.

A tow strap in the package, as it would be found in the store.

Here is a towing guide by Holts Auto that you may wish to read before you start towing other vehicles:

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